Sleeping Dogs free to Xbox live subscribers in January


For my last post this year I want to inform you all about what Microsoft are offering on Games with Gold in January, Sleeping Dogs! Finally Microsoft brings a brilliant game out onto Games with Gold. 🙂

Microsoft’s scheme to get more gamers on Xbox live gold is great as it bring gamers 2 games free every month. Sleeping Dogs was great when I played the demo, but I never got round to finding it in a shop hence I don’t have it. See you next year 🙂

2014: A year of great games from Ubisoft


Tomorrow, the year will be 2014 also tomorrow marks a great year for the gaming industry as 2 great new franchises get launched for the first time ever from one publisher, Ubisoft! So anyway next year Ubisoft will be launching Watch_Dogs and The Crew, two games I am really looking forward to, especially as they are launching on next-gen consoles (Xbox One and PS4) .

I have already posted the trailers in another post but for the sake of this post, I will post them again.

Since Watch_Dogs is my personal favorite of the two, I will post it first. 

And here is the trailer for, The Crew.

This is just 2 more examples of great franchises from Ubisoft. From Assassins Creed to Watch_Dogs, from Resident Evil to The Crew. Ubisoft is a epic games publisher and developer and I can’t wait to see what games they make next. Stay tuned. I will be posting another post at 12 tonight. 🙂

Games I’m looking forward to


1) Watch_Dogs

For the first game I’m looking forward to I’ve picked Watch_Dogs a mix of Grand Theft Auto and hacking. Watch_Dogs has amazing graphics, an alright sized and dynamic world. Here is a video showing off Watch_Dogs’ beauty.

2) Quantum Break

For the second game I’m looking forward to I’ve picked Quantum Break. From the creators of Max Payne, Remedy brings yet again another amazing game, Quantum Break and if you don’t believe me watch the video below.

3) The Crew

And last but not least, The Crew. The Crew yet again brings us another brilliant racing game. Time after time Forza Motorsport and Need For Speed bring us new experiences and brilliant graphics and I expect no different of Ubisoft with, The Crew.

What Grand Theft Auto V is missing


In this post I am talking about things that I think Grand Theft Auto V is missing, they may or may not of been present in previous Grand Theft Auto titles.

1) In the first thing I think Grand Theft Auto V is missing is something present in a previous GTA title, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, eating. Eating was a big thing in GTA San Andreas, if you didn’t eat you would starve to death, making the game more realistic. This is something I was expecting in GTA V even though it was not present in Grand Theft Auto IV.

2) More shops, Clothing stores and Gas Stations! Alright I understand a game takes a long time to make but they still cant make more shops and gas stations and all of them be able to access inside! I know GTA IV didn’t have many either but GTA V is a step up from GTA IV!

3) Better online version! If you read my first post you’ll know I have a problem with infinite loading screens on my character 1. Grand Theft Auto Online was full of problems from day 1! I wouldn’t of minded them waiting until 2014 to get a great online experience rather than having a problem-filled online experience!

4) Internet cafes. In Grand Theft Auto IV the idea of Internet cafes was introduced, sure they are no longer needed because you can access the Internet from your phone but still it adds a charm to the game and GTA V is pretty empty, for its size!

5) GOOD GRAPHICS! Sure Grand Theft Auto V is one of the best looking current-gen games out but its still being beaten by Grand Theft Auto IV mods! Now I’m not saying the graphics are rubbish, there great but for a 5 year in the works game I was looking for better.

6) Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC version! I know Rockstar are looking to leave current-gen consoles with an amazing game such as they did with Grand Theft Auto San Andreas but for such a great game a Xbox One and PS4 would be great otherwise I’m going to be playing Watch_Dogs more than GTA V. And as for a PC version, a PC version is essential! There’s been a PC version for all all the main GTA games. Luckily there’s still time to release a PC version and I hope they do.

RekIT: A Technic Modpack


5 days ago my brilliant idea was to create a modpack to make my private Tekkit Classic server more enjoyable this was the start of Rekit!

Rekit is still Minecraft 1.2.5 but has more mods than Tekkit Classic. It also updates some mods in Tekkit Classic such as REI’s minimap. Rekit is fully compatible with Tekkit Classic worlds and servers so changing isn’t a problem!

I have lots of information to share with you in the near future! So stay tuned!


My Grand Theft Auto Online Problems


Hello there,

My name is Jamie and this is my first post on my new blog!

Today I want to talk about the problem(s) I have had on Grand Theft Auto Online since Launch.

1) The Infinite loading screen:

Every time I go on Character 1 on GTA Online I get stuck on a infinite ‘Loading Online’ or ‘Loading’ Screen. Strangely it doesn’t happen for Character 2 tho. I have contacted Rockstar Games Support on this matter.

2) Hackers / People who glitch:

6 out of 10 times in the 4 out of 10 times I go on a public lobby session there is always a hacker and or people glitching the game. This is a big problem and Rockstar need to get rid of these players.

Overall i think Rockstar North have done a great job on Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online. Launching a brand new multiplayer experience is tough and requires a lot of hard work to accomplice.

I wish Rockstar the best luck sorting out hacking on GTA Online!

Thanks for reading!