My favorite posts of 2013


It is now 2014 and its time for me to revile my favorite posts of 2013.

1) For my #1 favorite post of 2013 I have picked ‘Games I’m Looking Forward To‘ because it was easy to write and short. ‘Games I’m Looking Forward To’ features 3 games I am looking forward to their launch dates.

2) For my second favorite post of 2013 I have picked ‘What Grand Theft Auto V is missing‘ because it was easy to write and it featured on of my favorite topics. ‘What Grand Theft Auto V is missing’ features 6 things Grand Theft Auto V is missing or something that needs improvement.

3) Since i only decided to pick 3 favorites, ‘2014: A year of great games from Ubisoft‘ is my #3 favorite post because it was easy to write and quite short. I wrote ‘2014: A year of great games from Ubisoft’ yesterday, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

For the last post I write in 2013 (even tho this post got published in 2014) I wanted to put in my ‘Welcome To My Profile (Jan 2014)’ Scratch project in this post. You can find it at I also want to let everyone see this beauty.