My top 5 favourite games


1) Grand Theft Auto V

My favourite game at the moment is Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar North’s newest addition to the Grand Theft Auto series. If you haven’t played Grand Theft Auto V yet, your missing out!

2) Forza Motorsport 5

Turn 10’s latest addition the the Forza franchise released alongside the Xbox One. Forza Motorsport 5 is Turn 10’s best racing game to date! This tops both Need For Speed and Gran Turismo!

3) Ryse: Son of Rome

Crytek’s hit game Ryse: Son of Rome launched alongside the Xbox One. Ryse: Son of Rome runs on Crytek’s CryEngine. The graphics are amazing and is overall a great game.

4) Assassin’s Creed II

Ubisoft’s launched Assassin’s Creed II back in 2009, since then Ubisoft has released 11 Assassin’s Creed games since then but I think they all fail to top Assassin’s Creed II.

5) Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is the title witch gave the GTA franchise the sales it needed to be a success. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is the second best selling Grand Theft Auto title ever sold!

My favorite posts of 2013


It is now 2014 and its time for me to revile my favorite posts of 2013.

1) For my #1 favorite post of 2013 I have picked ‘Games I’m Looking Forward To‘ because it was easy to write and short. ‘Games I’m Looking Forward To’ features 3 games I am looking forward to their launch dates.

2) For my second favorite post of 2013 I have picked ‘What Grand Theft Auto V is missing‘ because it was easy to write and it featured on of my favorite topics. ‘What Grand Theft Auto V is missing’ features 6 things Grand Theft Auto V is missing or something that needs improvement.

3) Since i only decided to pick 3 favorites, ‘2014: A year of great games from Ubisoft‘ is my #3 favorite post because it was easy to write and quite short. I wrote ‘2014: A year of great games from Ubisoft’ yesterday, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

For the last post I write in 2013 (even tho this post got published in 2014) I wanted to put in my ‘Welcome To My Profile (Jan 2014)’ Scratch project in this post. You can find it at I also want to let everyone see this beauty.