My Grand Theft Auto Online Problems


Hello there,

My name is Jamie and this is my first post on my new blog!

Today I want to talk about the problem(s) I have had on Grand Theft Auto Online since Launch.

1) The Infinite loading screen:

Every time I go on Character 1 on GTA Online I get stuck on a infinite ‘Loading Online’ or ‘Loading’ Screen. Strangely it doesn’t happen for Character 2 tho. I have contacted Rockstar Games Support on this matter.

2) Hackers / People who glitch:

6 out of 10 times in the 4 out of 10 times I go on a public lobby session there is always a hacker and or people glitching the game. This is a big problem and Rockstar need to get rid of these players.

Overall i think Rockstar North have done a great job on Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online. Launching a brand new multiplayer experience is tough and requires a lot of hard work to accomplice.

I wish Rockstar the best luck sorting out hacking on GTA Online!

Thanks for reading!