2014: A year of great games from Ubisoft


Tomorrow, the year will be 2014 also tomorrow marks a great year for the gaming industry as 2 great new franchises get launched for the first time ever from one publisher, Ubisoft! So anyway next year Ubisoft will be launching Watch_Dogs and The Crew, two games I am really looking forward to, especially as they are launching on next-gen consoles (Xbox One and PS4) .

I have already posted the trailers in another post but for the sake of this post, I will post them again.

Since Watch_Dogs is my personal favorite of the two, I will post it first. 

And here is the trailer for, The Crew.

This is just 2 more examples of great franchises from Ubisoft. From Assassins Creed to Watch_Dogs, from Resident Evil to The Crew. Ubisoft is a epic games publisher and developer and I can’t wait to see what games they make next. Stay tuned. I will be posting another post at 12 tonight. 🙂